Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If the World was a Village of 100 People

This video looks at the world's population in a different light. We live in a world of approx. 6.77 billion people, that's 6,770,000,000. To give you an idea of how big that number is, if someone in the class "accidentally" printed off 6,770,000,000 pages on the photocopier, the stack of paper would stand about 677 km high, extending to the outer limits of Earth's atmosphere, it would cost $270m in black and white copies and would take approximately 214 years to print at 1 page per second.


If, however, big numbers fry your mind, this vid takes world statistics and condenses them proportionately, imagining the world to be a village of 100 people.

Watch, reflect and feel free to respond.


  1. mr. wright, for our maths homework
    (the line graph) on the bottom its number of tests and on the left side is it our average result or our actual results added up together?

  2. The left axis (y axis) is the mean result for the tests, so the highest possible result is 5. Start your x axis at zero, this is the result of your beginning test.
